Advertising with your company vehicle is an inexpensive form of advertising, you just pay for it once and you will advertise where ever you go, there is a couple of ways that you can do this, magnetic sign or vinyl lettering.
There are benefits to both types of advertising;
With the vehicle magnets, you can use your personal vehicle and advertise just when you want to or you can place them on a different vehicle if you need to. The down side of using a vehicle magnet is that you are limited to the size of your sign and you will have a noticeable rectangle or square sign attached to your vehicle and that you will have to worry about someone pulling of the magnetic signs off of your vehicle while you have it parked somewhere.
Vehicle lettering allows you to advertise on a bigger area of your vehicle, it is more professional looking due to the fact that you do not have a rectangle or square sign. It is more permanent so you do not have to worry about someone passing by your vehicle and removing your signs.
Whatever option you choose to use, you can design your own vehicle signs on our website, we have tools that allow you to design online at your leisure, you can upload your company logo and if you need help, you can email us or call us and we can help you design the sign you need for your vehicle.