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Safety Signs

Do your part in stopping the deadly coronavirus by implementing World Health Organization best practices safety signs.

World Health Organization

As COVID-19, also known as, "Coronavirus" spreads throughout the world, the outbreak is now officially considered a Public Health Emergency. In response to this emergency, the World Health Organization has created official safety infographics in an effort to contain the spread of this deadly virus. The WHO has listed these different infographics under four main categories.

For your convenience and to support the WHO's efforts, we have grouped those infographics into a pack of signs you can easily order and display in the appropriate areas of your business. When purchasing a pack of signs, you will receive each infographic as a 12" x 12" plastic sign you can easily pin on your walls. These signs can be reused and repositioned easily for your ease of use.

Protect yourself

and others from getting sick.

$19.99 - Buy Now

Practice food

safety precautions.

$14.99 - Buy Now

Shopping/Working in wet

markets in China and Southeast Asia.

$14.99 - Buy Now

Stay healthy

while travelling.

$24.99 - Buy Now