(IIR) New York Truss Sign - Roof Only


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NYCRR Truss Type Construction Signs


Subchapter C of Chapter XXXIII of Title 19 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York is amended by adding a new Part 1264 to read as follows:

Part 1264

1264.1 Introduction. Section 382-a of the Executive Law provides that commercial and industrial buildings and structures that utilize truss type construction shall be marked by a sign or symbol that informs persons conducting fire control and other emergency operations of the existence of truss construction. Section 382-a further directs the State Fire Prevention and Building Code Council to promulgate rules and regulations it deems necessary to carry into effect the provisions of the statute. This Part establishes certain requirements pertaining to the identification of buildings and structures that utilize truss type construction.

1264.2 Enforcement.
(a) Subdivision 4 of section 382-a of the Executive Law directs local governments to provide for enforcement of the statute. Enforcement of section 382-a of the Executive Law shall include enforcement of the provisions of this Part. A fee of fifty dollars shall be paid by the owner of a building with truss type construction to the authority having jurisdiction for enforcement of section 382-a of the Executive Law prior to the issuance of a building permit.

(b) This Part shall not apply within a city with a population of one million or more persons.

1264.3 Definition. For the purposes of this Part, truss type construction shall mean a fabricated structure of wood or steel, made up of a series of members connected at their ends to form a series of triangles to span a distance greater than would be possible with any of the individual members on their own. Truss type construction shall not include:
(1) individual wind or seismic bracing components which form triangles when diagonally connected to the main structural system; and
(2) structural components that utilize solid plate web members.

1264.4 Identification of truss type construction.

(a) Truss type construction shall be identified by a sign or signs in accordance with the provisions of this Part.

(b) Signs shall be affixed where a building or a portion thereof is classified as Group A, B, E, F, H, I, M, or S occupancy, and in hotels and motels classified as Group R-1 or R-2 occupancy, in accordance with the provisions for the classification of buildings set forth in chapter 3 of the Building Code of New York State (see 19 NYCRR Part 1221).

(c) Signs shall be provided in newly constructed buildings that utilize truss type construction and in existing buildings where an addition that extends or increases the floor area of the building utilizes truss type construction. Signs shall be affixed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or a certificate of compliance.

(d) Signs identifying the existence of truss construction shall consist of a circle 6 inches (152.4 mm) in diameter, with a stroke width of ½ inch (12.7 mm). The sign background shall be reflective white in color. The circle and contents shall be reflective red in color, conforming to Pantone matching system (PMS) #187. Where a sign is directly applied to a door or sidelight, it may be a permanent non-fading sticker or decal. Signs not directly applied to doors or sidelights shall be of sturdy, non-fading, weather resistant material.

(e) Signs identifying the existence of truss construction shall contain the roman alphanumeric designation of the construction type of the building, in accordance with the provisions for the classification of types of construction set forth in section 602 of the Building Code of New York State (see 19 NYCRR Part 1221), and an alphabetic designation for the structural components that are of truss construction, as follows: "F" shall mean floor framing, including girders and beams "R" shall mean roof framing "FR" shall mean floor and roof framing The construction type designation shall be placed at the twelve o'clock position over the structural component designation, which shall be placed at the six o'clock position.

(f) Signs identifying the existence of truss construction shall be affixed in the locations specified in Table I-1264.

Sign Configuration
New York Truss Construction Signs


  • Sign Location: Exterior building entrance doors, exterior exit discharge doors, and exterior roof access doors to a stairway.
  • Sign Placement: Attached to the door, or attached to a sidelight or the face of the building, not more than 12 inches (305 mm) horizontally from the latch side of the door jamb, and not less than 42 inches (1067 mm) nor more than 60 inches (1524 mm) above the adjoining walking surface.

  • Sign Location: Multiple contiguous exterior building entrance or exit discharge doors.
  • Sign Placement: Attached at each end of the row of doors and at a maximum horizontal distance of 12 feet (3.65M) between signs, and not less than 42 inches (1067 mm) nor more than 60 inches (1524 mm) above the adjoining walking surface.

  • Sign Location: Fire department hose connections
  • Sign Placement: Attached to the face of the building, not more than 12 inches (305 mm) horizontally from the center line of the fire department hose connection, and not less than 42 inches (1067 mm) nor more than 60 inches (1524 mm) above the adjoining walking surface

Product Information