When you are running a promotion, advertising a new store, or if you need to draw attention to a specific product, using more than one type of sign can greatly increase your success. By using more than one sign, you have a greater chance of not only appealing to more consumers, but you are also reinforcing your message. Here are some ideas on how to use more than one sign for your business.
Vinyl Lettering
This type of lettering is a great way to use an existing surface as a sign. By applying vinyl lettering to your front window, door or any other surface, you are saving money on your sign needs, and drawing more attention to your store.
Our vinyl lettering comes in several different colors, as well as eye-catching metallic or wood-grain. This type of lettering can quickly draw the eye of a customer passing by your store and can direct their attention to your other signs.
When using this type of lettering, it is important to decide what type of message you want to get across. Typically, you will have limited space to display your message, and the intent of this type of promotion is to use the lettering to support your other signs that have more detail. You can add a brief message on your store's window about a sale, such as "All sweaters 25% off" and then follow up this message with more information on your larger signs.
For example, if you have a clothing store, and you have already purchased a vinyl banner that will be hung outside, vinyl lettering can be used to attract customers who may not be able to see the sign above them. This works very well for pedestrian traffic, particularly if your banner is hung above the entrance to your store.
Small Banners
If you are using a large banner that is located outside of your store, using smaller banners that can be displayed in portable frames is a proven way to reinforce your marketing message. These smaller banners should be similar to the large banner you are using in terms of color and style. This will create an association in the customer's mind and help them find what you are advertising.
These signs work well when displayed in front of a sale item, or in various parts of the store. In this way, you are providing subtle reminders on your sale items and directing your customers to these items.
When you combine your signage, you can assist your customers in finding merchandise, learning more about a sale, and in general, you can attract more interest.